Monday, April 22, 2024

Understanding Ebrahim Raisi: Iran's New President


The recent election in Iran has brought Ebrahim Raisi to the forefront as the country's new president. With this significant political change, many are curious about who Ebrahim Raisi is and what his presidency might mean for Iran and the wider world.

Who is Ebrahim Raisi?

Ebrahim Raisi is not a newcomer to Iranian politics. He has been a prominent figure in the country's judicial and political spheres for many years. Born in 1960 in the city of Mashhad, Raisi began his career as a prosecutor and quickly rose through the ranks of the judiciary. His background in law and his conservative political stance have shaped his career and political views, making him a figure of both respect and controversy in Iran.

Political Career and Controversies

Before his election as president, Ebrahim Raisi served in several key positions within the Iranian government. He was the Chief Justice of Iran from 2019 to 2021 and has also held roles in the Assembly of Experts and the Expediency Discernment Council. However, his political career has not been without controversy. Raisi has been criticised for his human rights record, particularly his involvement in the mass execution of political prisoners in 1988. Despite these criticisms, Raisi has maintained a strong base of support among conservative Iranians, who see him as a champion of traditional values and a strong leader.

Ebrahim Raisi's Political Agenda

As Iran's new president, Ebrahim Raisi has outlined a number of key priorities for his administration. He has promised to tackle corruption, improve the country's economy, and address the concerns of ordinary Iranians. Raisi has also expressed a desire to strengthen Iran's position on the world stage, particularly in relation to the ongoing nuclear negotiations and the country's foreign policy. While some see Raisi's presidency as a continuation of the conservative policies of his predecessors, others hope that he will bring a fresh approach to governance and address the pressing issues facing Iran today.

International Relations and Ebrahim Raisi

The election of Ebrahim Raisi has sparked interest and concern among international observers. His conservative political views and his role in Iran's judicial system have led to speculation about the future of Iran's relations with other countries, particularly the United States and its allies. Raisi's stance on issues such as the nuclear deal, regional conflicts, and human rights will undoubtedly shape Iran's foreign policy in the coming years. It remains to be seen how Raisi will navigate these complex international issues and whether he will seek to build bridges or maintain a more confrontational approach.


Ebrahim Raisi's election as Iran's new president marks a significant moment in the country's political landscape. With a background in law and a strong conservative political stance, Raisi brings a unique set of skills and perspectives to the presidency. While his political career has been marked by controversy and criticism, Raisi has a strong base of support among conservative Iranians and has outlined a clear agenda for his administration.

As Ebrahim Raisi begins his term as president, all eyes will be on Iran to see how he navigates the country's complex political and international challenges. Whether he will be able to deliver on his promises and bring about meaningful change remains to be seen, but one thing is certain: Ebrahim Raisi's presidency will have a significant impact on Iran and the wider world.

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